[2023] 4 MLRA 492
Federal Court, Putrajaya
Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim PCA, Hasnah Mohammed Hashim, Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Rhodzariah Bujang FCJJ
[Civil Appeal No: 02(f)-73-09-2019(P)]
Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim PCA, Hasnah Mohammed Hashim, Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Rhodzariah Bujang FCJJ


Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim PCA:

The Questions Of Law

[1] The initial sole question of law for this Court's determination as granted at the leave stage is as follows:

Main Q1

"In the event the Chargee fails to obtain an Order of Sale timeously or at all, is the Chargor entitled to defeat the registered interest of the Chargee pursuant to s 340(4)(b) of the National Land Code and consequently obtain the return of the issue document of title freed from the security pursuant to s 244(1) of the National Land Code 1965 read with O 83 r 1(1) of the Rules of Court 2012?"

[2] Upon application by the Appellant, 5 questions of law were later added for our determination. The further questions are as follows:

Additional Q2

In the event a Chargee fails to file proceedings in Court to obtain a valid and enforceable Order for Sale of the charged land, pursuant to s 256 of the National land Code, within the limitation period prescribed in s 21(1) of the Limitation Act 1953 has the Chargee's interest in the registered charge been thereby determined and/or extinguished by operation of law pursuant to, inter alia, s 340(4)(b) of the National Land Code 1965?

Additional Q3

If the answer to Question 2 above is in the affirmative, is the Chargor's liability under the charge still subsisting? If the answer is that the Chargor's liability under the charge is thereby not subsisting, must the Chargee, in that event, duly return the issue document of title to the Chargor pursuant to s 244(1) of the National Land Code 1965 together with a duly executed registrable Discharge of Charge pursuant to, inter alia, O 83 r 1(f) of the Rules of Court 2012

Additional Q4

In the absence of any other statutory remedy available to the Chargor against the Chargee, whose interest in the registered charge has been determined and/or extinguished by its failure to exercise the remedies available to it under the relevant provisions of the National Land Code within the Limitation Period prescribed in s 21(1) of the Limitation Act 1953, is the Chargor thereupon entitled to file proceedings in Court to obtain a Declaratory Judgment (with or without ancillary relief pursuant to O 15 r 16 of the Rules of Court 2012), as was done by the Appellant in the instant matter?

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